Word Jumble #1, from Book 1 (Outlander)

How to solve:  Unscramble each word in bold.  In a separate spot, write down the numbered letters from each unscrambled word. Next, rearrange all of the numbered letters to form the word that solves the puzzle!  I hope you have as much fun solving it as I did creating it!


TUAGHRM _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (3,4) 

NOWRTELOV _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1,5)  

TLEATC _ _ _ _ _ _ (4)  

NRTWEI _ _ _ _ _ _ (1)  

NARCANHMCO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(6,8,10) 


Clue:  A certain Captain of the
          Dragoons could have died here…
Answer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Crossword Puzzle (from Book 1, Outlander)

Here’s my first attempt at a crossword puzzle, you only need to print the 1st page but may want to enlarge it slightly. I hope you enjoy it & I promise to get the hang of publishing it in larger type, lol.